
Rita in Palma

Artesanía, sostenibilidad y valores humanos resultan una buena combinación en el rápido y acelerado modo de consumo. Rita in Palma trabaja en cooperación con mujeres turcas en Berlín que poseen habilidades técnicas para crear accesorios. Esto no es sólo un bello trabajo tradicional hecho a mano, sino también una buena forma de intercambio cultural.
Craftmanship, sustainability and human values are a nice combination in this fast and accelerated world of consumption. Rita in Palma works in cooperation with Turkish women in Berlin who have outstanding technical skills to create accessories. Their work is not just beautiful traditional hand work, but also nurtures intercultural exchange. 


Wedding Dress: Festival of Urban fashion and Lifestyle Berlin

Hello there! 
We'll be next weekend in this market with a lot of others designers like laboratório by Cátia Garcia, Schnebilia, Aurelia Paumelle, and Claudia Vitali. Spread the word and come visit!

Brunnenstraße (Wedding) between U-Bahn Bernauerstraße and Voltastraße
Sa 09. Juli/ 12.00 until 24.00 Uhr
So 10. Juli/11.00 until 20.00 Uhr


Get a Life!

Vivienne Westwood has been since long an inspirational voice from that place people call the "fashion world" and her blog a nonstop information resource with manifestos, thoughts, videos, and of course, politics. You can also download her "Active Resistance to Propaganda Manifesto" here!

"The only reason I'm in fashion is to destroy the word conformity. Nothing's interesting to me unless it's got that element." Vivienne Westwood